Monday, August 24, 2020
Letter of Motivation
Persuasive letter for college affirmation Search Send a Message T his message will be pushed to the administrator's iPhone in a split second. Dear Sirs. Madams I am intrigued to apply f or a Master's Degree Program in {name od the programme} beginning in 2013. graduated in 2011, f rom the University of {name od the university}, USA and hold a Bachelors qualification in {name od the programme).T he f our year undergrad program in {name od the programme} f ormed the asis of my steadiness towards accomplishing an inside and out information in the f ield of - . As a section ot my degree course I examined different subjects identifying with assorted viewpoints ot {specify} which Includes {specify}. During my lone wolf considers, I experienced the experience of building up a {specify}. under the oversight of Prof {name} alongside my associate have arranged the {specify}. While presenting the task, our teacher watched {specify} and suggested our item f or {specify}. pon getting this affirma tion of my work I might want to carry on my inclination f or specify}, as this {methodology, issue} is increasing expanding Importance, in all angles and is having signif cannot affect on practically all enterprises and all territories of society. T here is an abundant degree to demonstrate one's capacity, ability and knowledge in this progressive and possibly very benef ictal {methodology. issue. theory}. Other than the school scholastics I was effectively engaged with the extra-curricular activities.T he driving f orce behind this was my expect to build up all the f acets of my character. In this procedure I was unable to accomplish the evaluations I needed to, in the f irst and second ear. Be that as it may, soon I gathered the expertise of Judicious assignment of time and vitality. I don't f eel that the imprints I scored are the sole pointers of my comprehension of the subject. A pertinent motivation to expand my bellet is the t inal year of my examinations, where with solid f ocus and difficult work, I exceeded expectations In my graduation with dlsunctlon.Considering my incredible record, my school of f ered me f or a Job as a teacher. Additionally f or the previous twenty months I have been filling in as a {specify}-In {speclfy} division of {specify}. My work has helped me form an intensive knowledge Into eturn to the scholarly world f or f urther development. It has given me the conf idence to seek after a Master's certificate and furthermore encouraged a longing to do examine. T his vocation with open possibilities has given me steady impetus to develop myself and to acquire information, Today I see that lif e f or me has been a procedure of cognizant evolution.An essential piece of this development has been the worth framework guzzled in me by my folks, instructors and guides and a colossal preferring f or science. As I leave upon another I OF2 stage 0T my IIT e, I Delleve tnat a postgraduate report wlll prov10e a mllestone In my areer alongside imp ortant encounters that will permit me to turn into a successf ul, imaginative prof essional and help with achieving my objectives. Ten years f rom now, I conceive myself as a f ull-f ledged look into prof essional in an association, or a f aculty part at some driving university.My choice to seek after alumni concentrates in the United Kingdom is underscored by my longing to be a piece of the alumni program at your organization. T he spearheading works going on at the - {specify}-division , which incorporate the advancement of {specify}, perf ectly coordinate with the f ield of my advantage. T he interdisciplinary nature of {specify rogramme, field} has persuaded me in accepting this choice as it is the perfect decision f or an energizing exploration profession. Simultaneously, I am conf ident of contributing initially to the continuous work at your department.By working under the direction of recognized f aculty, I will positively have the option to misuse my capability to the f ull est. T he office site uncovered extremely solid f aculty like Prof . {NAME} engaged with broad research in the region of {specify}. T his has reinforced my determination to learn at University of {NAME}. I am conf ident that the educated f aculty will make my learning experience phenomenal. In the event that I persuade the chance to be a piece of that mentally animating condition, I am certain my gifts will be put to ideal use.I am conf ident that general chance to concentrate in Europe will expand my perspectives and offer me a chance to increase world class training and assist me with turning into a phenomenal world resident. I would theref metal, f eel obliged to have the option to protect affirmation in your esteemed college with f ull f inancial help and seek after my M. S. program. I am certain that I will coordinate all the certifications and will have the option to keep up elevated requirements at your college. Letter of Motivation I am intrigued to apply f or a Masterââ¬â¢s Degree Program in {name of the program} beginning in 2013. I graduated in 2011, from the University of {name of the University}, USA and hold a Bachelors qualification in {name of the program}.The multi year undergrad program in {name of the program} shaped the premise of my diligence towards accomplishing an inside and out information in the field of ââ¬. As a piece of my degree course I examined different subjects identifying with various parts of {specify} which incorporates {specify}. During my lone wolf contemplates, I experienced the experience of building up a {specify}. Under the oversight of Prof {name} alongside my associate I have arranged the {specify}.While presenting the task, our instructor watched {specify} and suggested our item f or {specify}-. After accepting this affirmation of my work I might want to carry on my inclination for {specify}, as this {methodology, issue} is increasing expanding significance, in all vie wpoints and is having signif icant sway on practically all enterprises and all regions of society. There is a sufficient extension to demonstrate oneââ¬â¢s capacity, capability and knowledge in this progressive and possibly very benef icial {methodology, issue, theory}.Besides the school scholastics I was effectively associated with the extra-curricular exercises. The main thrust behind this was my mean to build up all the features of my character. In this procedure I was unable to accomplish the evaluations I needed to, in the first and second year. In any case, soon I collected the ability of sensible assignment of time and vitality. I don't f eel that the imprints I scored are the sole indicatorsâ of my comprehension of the subject. A fitting motivation to expand my conviction is the last year of my investigations, where with solid concentration and difficult work, I exceeded expectations in my graduation with unique excellence. Thinking about my amazing record, my school ext ended to me for an employment opportunity as a lecturer.Also f or the previous twenty months I have been functioning as a {specify}-in - {specify} branch of {specify}. My work has helped me form a careful understanding into come back to the scholarly world for additional development. It has given me the certainty to seek after a Masterââ¬â¢s qualification and furthermore encouraged a craving to do research.T his profession with open possibilities has given me consistent impetus to develop myself and to acquire knowledge.Today I see that life for me has been a procedure of cognizant advancement. An indispensable piece of this development has been the worth framework guzzled in me by my folks, educators and guides and a tremendous preferring f or science. As I leave upon another phase of my life, I accept that a postgraduate report will give an achievement in my vocation alongside significant encounters that will permit me to turn into an effective, inventive expert and help with a chieving my objectives. A long time from now, I visualize myself as an undeniable research proficient in an association, or an employee at some driving university.My choice to seek after alumni concentrates in the United Kingdom is underscored by my craving to be a piece of the alumni program at your foundation. T he spearheading works going on at the - {specify}-division, which incorporate the improvement of {specify}, consummately coordinate with the field of my advantage. T he interdisciplinary nature of {specify program, field} has persuaded me in accepting this choice as it is the perfect decision f or an energizing examination profession. Simultaneously, I am sure of contributing initially to the continuous work at your area of expertise. By working under the direction of recognized staff, I will absolutely have the option to misuse my capability to the fullest.The office site uncovered exceptionally solid personnel like Prof . {NAME} associated with broad research in the regi on of {specify}. This hasâ strengthened my determination to learn at University of {NAME}. I am sure that the savvy personnel will make my learning experience exceptional. On the off chance that I persuade the chance to be a piece of that mentally animating condition, I am certain my gifts will be put to ideal use. I am certain that general chance to concentrate in Europe will expand my viewpoints and offer me a chance to increase world class instruction and assist me with turning into an incredible world resident. I would in this manner, feel obliged to have the option to protect affirmation in your renowned college with full budgetary help and seek after my M.S. program. I am certain that I will coordinate all the accreditations and will have the option to keep up exclusive expectations at your college.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Self in the World the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems Essay Example
The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems Essay The Self in the World: The Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems, [(essay date 1980) In the accompanying paper, Annas offers examination of depersonalization in Plaths verse which, as indicated by Annas, typifies Plaths reaction to severe present day society and her double awareness of self as both subject and article. ] For most likely it is time that the impact of disencouragement upon the brain of the craftsman ought to be estimated, as I have seen a dairy organization measure the impact of common milk and Grade A milk upon the body of the rodent. They set two rodents in confines next to each other, and of the two one was stealthy, hesitant and little, and the other was lustrous, striking and enormous. Presently what food do we feed ladies as craftsmen upon? Virginia Woolf, A Room of Ones Own The argumentative strain among self and world is the area of significance in Sylvia Plaths late sonnets. Portrayed by a contention among balance and development, disconnection and commitment, these sonnets are to a great extent about what disrupts the general flow of the chance of resurrection for oneself. In Totem, she composes: There is no end, just bags/Out of which a similar self unfurls like a suit/Bald and glossy, with pockets of wishes/Notions and tickets, shortcircuits and collapsing mirrors. While in the early sonnets oneself was frequently imaged as far as its own opportunities for change, in the post-Colossus sonnets oneself is all the more regularly observed as caught inside a shut cycle. One movesbut just around and persistently back to a similar beginning stage. Instead of oneself and the world, the Ariel sonnets record the self on the planet. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on The Self in the World: the Social Context of Sylvia Plaths Late Poems explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Oneself can change and create, change and be renewed, just if the world in which it exists does; the conceivable outcomes of oneself are personally and inseparably bound up with those of the world. Sylvia Plaths feeling of entanglement, her feeling that her decisions are significantly restricted, is straightforwardly associated with the specific time and spot wherein she kept in touch with her verse. Betty Friedan portrays the late fifties and mid sixties for American ladies as an agreeable fixation campphysically rich, intellectually harsh and ruined. The repetitive illustrations of discontinuity and reificationthe reflection of the individualin Plaths late verse are socially and generally based. They are pictures of Nazi inhumane imprisonments, of fire and bombs through the rooftop (The Applicant), of guns, of trains, of wars, wars, wars (Daddy). Also, they are pictures of kitchens, fridges, calculators, typewriters, and the depersonalization of medical clinics. The ocean and the moon are as yet significant pictures for Plath, yet in the Ariel sonnets they have taken on a harsher quality. The moon, additionally, is unfeeling, she writes in Elm. While a horrendously intense feeling of the depersonalization and discontinuity of 1950s America is normal for Ariel, three sonnets portray especially well the social scene inside which the I of Sylvia Plaths sonnets is caught: The Applicant, Cut, and The Munich Mannequins. The Applicant is unequivocally a picture of marriage in contemporary Western culture. Nonetheless, the romance and we dding in the sonnet speak to male/female relations however human relations by and large. That activity looking for is the focal similitude in The Applicant proposes a nearby association between the entrepreneur monetary framework, the man centric family structure, and the general depersonalization of human relations. By one way or another all cooperation among individuals, and particularly that among people, given the historical backdrop of the utilization of ladies as things of trade, appears to be here to be adapted by the philosophy of a bureaucratized commercial center. Anyway this framework began, the two people are embroiled in its propagation. As in a considerable lot of Plaths sonnets, one feels in perusing The Applicant that Plath sees herself and her imaged personae as not just got invictims ofthis circumstance, however in some sense at fault too. In The Applicant, the writer is talking legitimately to the peruser, tended to as you all through. We also are ensnared, for we also are potential candidates. Individuals are portrayed as injured and as eviscerated bits of bodies in the main verse of The Applicant. In this manner symbolism of dehumanization starts the sonnet. Additionally, the pieces depicted here are not in any case substance, yet a glass eye, dentures or a prop,/A support or a snare,/Rubber bosoms or an elastic groin. We are as of now so associated with a sterile and machine-commanded culture that we are likely part antique and sterile ourselves. One is helped not exclusively to remember the symbolism of other Plath sonnets, yet in addition of the controlling representation of Ken Keseys One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, composed at about a similar time as The Applicantin 1962, and Chief Bromdens conviction that those individuals who are incorporated into society are only assortments of haggles, littler reproductions of an easily working bigger social machine. The ward is a processing plant for the Combine, Bromden thinks. Something that came all curved diverse is presently a working, balanced part, an a worthy representative for the entire outfit and a wonder to see. Watch him sliding over the land with a welded smile . . . In refrain two of The Applicant, Plath portrays the vacancy which describes the candidate and which is a variation on the roboticized movement of Keseys Adjusted Man. Are there fastens to show somethings missing? she inquires. The candidates hand is vacant, so she gives a hand To fill it and ready To bring teacups and roll away cerebral pains And do whatever you reveal to it Will you wed it? All through the sonnet, individuals are discussed as parts and surfaces. The suit presented in refrain three is in any event as a live as the empty man and mechanical doll lady of the sonnet. Truth be told, the suit, an ancient rarity, has more substance and surely more sturdiness than the individual to whom it is offered in marriage. Eventually, it is the suit which offers shape to the candidate where before he was vague, a garbage pile of divided parts. I notice you are unmistakable bare. What about this suit Black and hardened, yet not an awful fit. Will you wed it? It is waterproof, shatterproof, evidence Against fire and bombs through the rooftop. Trust me, theyll cover you in it. The man in the sonnet is at long last characterized by the dark suit he puts on, however the meaning of the lady demonstrates her to be significantly increasingly distanced and dehumanized. While the man is a garbage stack of random parts given shape by a suit of garments, the lady is a breeze up toy, a manikin of that dark suit. She doesnt even exist except if the dark suit needs and wills her to. Will you wed it? It is ensured To thumb shut your eyes toward the end And break down of distress. We make new stock from the salt. The lady in the sonnet is alluded to as it. Like the man, she has no distinction, however where his suit gives him structure, representing the job he plays in a bureaucratic culture, for the work he does, the main thing that gives the lady structure is the foundation of marriage. She doesn't exist before it and breaks down go into nothingness after it. In The Applicant there is at any rate a ramifications that something exists underneath the keeps an eye on dar k suit; that anyway divided he will be, he at any rate weds the suit and he in any event has a decision. Conversely, the lady is the job she plays; she doesn't exist separated from it. Stripped as paper to begin, Plath composes, But in a quarter century shell be silver, In fifty, gold. A living doll, wherever you look. It can sew, it can cook. It can talk, talk, talk. The man, the sort of a standard issue company junior official, is additionally distanced. He has opportunity of decision just in contrast with the substantially more constrained circumstance of the lady. In other words, he has relative opportunity of decision in direct extent to his job as perceived laborer in the financial structure of his general public. This ought not suggest, in any case, that this man is in any sort of fulfilling and important connection to his work. The accentuation in The Applicant upon the keeps an eye on surfacehis dark suittogether with the initial inquiry of the sonnet (First, would you say you are our kind of individual? ) recommends that even his relationship to his work won't be in any sense immediate or fulfilling. It will be sifted first through the suit of garments, at that point through the glass eye and elastic groin before it can arrive at the genuine person, expecting there is anything left of him. The lady in the sonnet is viewed as an extremity; she works, however she works in a domain outside socially perceived work. She works for the man operating at a profit suit. She is viewed as reaching the world just thanks to the man, who is as of now twice expelled. This buffering impact is exacerbated by the way that the man is most likely not occupied with work that would permit him to feel a relationship to the result of his work. He is presumably an administrator or something to that affect, and consequently his relationship is to bits of paper, progressive and divided ideal models of the item (whatever it is, chamberpots or wooden tables) as opposed to the item itself. What's more, obviously, the more cradled the man is, the more supported the lady is, for one might say her genuine relationship to the universe of work is that of customer instead of maker. In this way, her solitary relationship to socially worthy productionas contradicted to consumptionis through the man. In another sense, be that as it may, the lady isn't a consum
Monday, July 20, 2020
Kickstarter © | Gil CAccording to founder Perry Chen, âKickstarter is about creative projects and art, not investing or shopping.â In this article we will look at 1) what is Kickstarter?, 2) why and when to use Kickstarter, 3) benefits of using Kickstarter, 4) options to raise funds and fees on Kickstarter, 5) how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign, and 6) Kickstarter success stories.WHAT IS KICKSTARTER?One of the most recognizable and well-known crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter was launched in 2009 in the United States. The company aims to support the execution of creative projects. According to reported figures, the company has received $1 billion in pledged amounts from close to 5.7 million backers. These funds have been given for 135,000 projects in diverse categories such as film, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games and others.In return for their donations, Kickstarter backers often receive rewards, special experiences, or first access to a uni que product or service. Among the reasons for Kickstarterâs popularity are its lower rate of failures, more active communities and straightforward payment plans.Kickstarterâs successful projects include the Veronica Mars movie that raised $5.7 million, Pebble Watch, that raised $ 10 million, and Oculus Rift which raised $2.5 million and was later acquired by Facebook for $2billion.HistoryThe company began in 2009, launched by partners Perry Chen, Yancey Strickler, and Charles Adler. It was named by The New York Times as âthe peopleâs NEAâ that stands for the National Endowment for the Arts. It was also separately named the best invention of 2010, as well as the best webpage of 2011. Funding was raised through a combination of venture firms and angel investors.The website began as a US only platform but eventually expanded to the United Kingdom in 2012, Canada, Australia and New Zealand in 2013 and Norway in 2014. In 2013, the company also expanded to mobile presence for th e first time with a Kickstarter app for the iPhone.The company has had $1,415,440,289 pledged to various projects. 74,307 projects have been funded successfully by 7,466,459 backers of which 2,237,023 are those who have backed more than one project. These figures are updated by Kickstarter daily.Kickstarter campaigns range across a variety of categories, but the focus remains predominately on the arts with top six categories of successfully funded campaigns including music, film video, art, publishing, games and theater. WHY WHEN TO USE KICKSTARTERKickstarter has a much more rigorous process for selecting projects for funding than other similar platforms. This means that the quality of projects listed is relatively superior as well. The website is positioned as a community for creative places and not a marketplace or an investment portal. The company pushed this belief through a blog post titled âKickstarter is not a store.âThough the website has successfully funded commercial products as well, it continues to put primary focus on the creative arts before anything else. Because of this, the people likely to fund these types of creative endeavors are also more active on Kickstarter than other platforms. The 13 categories in which products can be listed include art, dance, comics, design, film video, fashion, food, games, music, publishing, photography, technology and theater.A product can be considered for listing on Kickstarter if it fulfills the following criteria.There must be a clear end product. This means funding cannot be requested for a store, a company or a cause.The product must be within the thirteen listed categoriesThe producer must be based within the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand or Norway.There can be no equity financing, no rewards offered that have not been produced by the creator, no funds for ecommerce, business or social networking focused websites or apps. A detailed listed of prohibited items can be found on the Kickstarte r.The product being listed should be available as a prototype and not just a conceptual rendering.There must be a production plan, an estimated timeline and a show of progress through photos, videos or drawings. BENEFITS OF USING KICKSTARTERAs with any platform, there are pros and cons associated with choosing Kickstarter. Some of these are listed below:ProsThe biggest benefit of using Kickstarter is that its focus on the arts means that there is an active community of members and potential backers who are interested in creative projects and products. Pitching to the right audience means more potential funds generated quicker.The fee is only charged if the project manages to raise its full target funding. If the goal is not reached then no fee is charged.There is a 44% success rate for full project funding which is a promising figure.The review process in the beginning is valuable as it may help modify a project for a successful pitch.There is no equity funding, so the creator retai ns complete ownership of their endeavor.The interface is intuitive and appealing, easy to navigate, and there are tools, tutorials and stats available to members.ConsWith the increasing popularity of crowdfunding, it is becoming more difficult to gain attention once a campaign is created on Kickstarter or any other platform for that matter.The site fees on completing the funding goals can eat into profits, especially for smaller businesses. If rewards are offered, then their disbursement also presents some logistical and scheduling issues.Unless 100percent of the goal is reached, the money cannot be received by the creator. This causes uncertainty and lost opportunity for some.There is a danger of running into scams or projects with little creative value. Such projects can discourage backers from pledging on other projects.OPTIONS TO RAISE FUNDS FEES ON KICKSTARTERAll funding for Kickstarter is all-or-nothing. This means that unless the listed project completes its funding target, no money is received. This may sound harsh, but essentially it serves to protect both the creator and the backer. The creator is not stuck with half the funding and the expectation to complete the project as per targets. Also, when a project is coming to life, people are more motivated to spread the word to help reach the target. As it happens, of the projects that reach 20 percent of their funding goals, 81 percent are successful in reaching the full target. While of those that reach 60 percent of their target as many as 98 percent reach the goal. This shows that either projects have the support that they need, or there is no support at all. There is hardly any inbetween.The website charges a 5 percent fee on projects that reach their target funding amounts. The payments are made through Amazon, which charges an extra 3 to 5 percent credit card processing fee of its own. Unlike some other crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter does not charge a fee on unsuccessful projects and campaig ns.HOW TO RUN A SUCESSSFUL KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGNKnow the Guidelines â" The biggest key to setting up a successful campaign is to understand the relatively strict guidelines that Kickstarter sets out. Backers should be able to clearly understand the goals and expectations of the project. In addition, no causes or general business projects can be listed.Offer Rewards â" Though equity funding is not allowed on Kickstarter, small rewards are necessary to attract backers. Rewards must be created by the campaign owner and are most popular when related to the campaign itself. The more creative and one of a kind a rewards, the more attractive it may be to backers.Tell a Compelling Story â" An interesting story can be the key that draws people to one campaign over the other. When backers feel connected to creators, they may feel more invested in the idea.Split Funding Into Stages If a project can be divided into distinct stages for development, then it may be a good idea to also split th e funding into stages. This may make the funding targets easier to reach.Set Realistic Funding Goals and Deadlines â" Campaigns have a targeted dollar amount as well as a time limit. The time limit is anywhere from between 1 to 90 days. Funding may not be received until the full 90 days have passed. Similarly, the dollar amount for the project must also be realistic. An amount too high may not be reachable while one too low may not encourage backers that the project will be completed as stated. A 30 day campaign is usually ideal as a longer one does not necessarily mean more donors.Make a Video â" A good quality video introducing the project and its creators as well as answering potential questions and concerns is a good way to engage backers and create interest.Show a Budget â" It may be a good idea to show a basic budget so that backers know that you have your finances planned out.Create a Buzz â" Many smaller projects end up being funded by people who the creator knows. This means that it is a good idea to reach out to family, friends, relatives, coworkers and other communities to create interest in the project. This will help draw in donations as soon as the funding window opens up.Send Personal Messages â" Rather than spamming an entire contact list, it is a better idea to create similar subgroups and send tailored messages to these. This will help address people in ways that are most likely to appeal to them.Follow up Personally â" In a logical next step to customized messages, follow-ups with potential strong backers should also be tailored with aspects of the project that are likely to appeal to a group of people.Mistakes to AvoidA great idea can be held back by a badly managed and presented campaign on Kickstarter. Some common mistakes to avoid include:Lack of Clarity â" There is always a chance that the idea is well thought out in a creatorâs mind, but is not communicated in the same way to potential backers. The way to avoid this is to writ e out a clear description with all images and videos attached and show some people as a trial. Note any feedback and incorporate changes.Lack of Clear Call to Action â" At the end of all communication, be specific and ask people for the help that is needed.Lack of Effort to be Seen â" The discover tab on Kickstarter has some select categories and not all projects are listed by default. There is no consistent way to be featured within these categories. To counter this, it is necessary to start communicating and creating interest via social media and online communities. The initial push will come out at the front of Kickstarter.Too Much Focus on One Person â" Though people want to connect with the faces behind a campaign, a balance needs to be struck between being likable and being pushy. A good idea is to speak about how backers will be able to benefit from the product in question and address any concerns that they may have. Allow people to get in touch and respond quickly when th ey do.Too Much Extra Information â" Keep all communication, information and updates quick and crisp. The audience needs to be engaged immediately and kept engaged till the end of the message is reached. Top earning Kickstarter videos average in length to about 3 minutes 57 seconds.KICKSTARTER SUCCESS STORIESMost Funded ProjectsSome of the projects that rased most funding on Kickstarter include:The Coolest Cooler: This is at present, the highest funded project on Kickstarter as of August 2014. 62,642 backers pledged $13, 285, 226, well over the goal set at $50,000. The project was listed by Ryan Grepper of Oregan, USA. According to the brief, the cooler is âa portable party disguised as a cooler.â The product offers a way to mix blended drinks, play music and charge electronic devices through one cooler. Rewards offered included a range of items from a cup and rink mixing guide to a cooler itself or higher bids. The campaign materials include photos and videos of the prototype i n use.Pebble E-paper Watch: The second highest project to receive funding on Kickstarter, Pebble completed its funding round in May 2012. 68,929 backers pledged $10,266,845 to the campaign. The pebble is a smartwatch with a customizable interface. The rewards offered were the watch itself with different levels for different pledged amounts. The campaign included detailed specs and photos of the prototype in use.Ouya Video Game Console: Successfully funded in August 2012, the project received a pledged amount of $8,596,474 from over 63000 backers. The console was designed on the android platform for TV. Rewards included developer specials, a trip to San Francisco to meet the team and an engraved console.Pono Music: Funded successfully in April 2014, Pono received $6,225,354 of its $800,000 goal from 18,200 backers. Pono is a music device that offers a better listening experience. Backers were offered rewards that included a membership to the founders club with giveaways, a signed Nei l Young poster, and the first edition player.The Veronica Mars Movie Project: Funded successfully in April 2013, the project received $5,702,153, much over its goal of $2,000,000. 91,585 backers contributed. The project was listed by the creator of the franchise Rob Thomas. Rewards included a PDF document of the shooting script on the movie release day, limited edition t-shirts and regular updates and behind the scenes stories. Top pledgers were also offered the chance for the star and director of the movie to follow them on twitter for a year. The film was released in 2014.Celebrities on KickstarterOften celebrities turn to crowdfunding to make their projects a reality. The most popular celebrity Kickstarter campaigns include:PonoMusic by Neil Young Mentioned, this campaign was among the top five most popular ever on Kickstarter.The Veronica Mars Movie by Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas Again among the top five, this movie campaign was successfully completed by the director and tit le character actor.Wish I was Here by Zach Braff Actor and director successfully raised funds for his movie in 2013. His project is among the top 15 most successful on Kickstarter.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Human Genetic Engineering Genetically Modified Foods
The world is a magnificent place. Full of plants, animals, humans, bacteria, oh and genetically modified life. Yes genetically modified life is the next step to evolution and its coming without its safety harness. Because of todayââ¬â¢s vast growing industry thereââ¬â¢s no time to test subjects for long periods so humans have come up with a new ideaâ⬠¦ let man-kind serve as the guinea pig. Human genetic engineering has been categorized in three basic endangerments, that being its transhumanist ideas, animal-human hybridism, and genetically modified foods. Human genetic engineering is basically biotechnology techniques that manipulate DNA to produce new types of organisms, usually by inserting or deleting their genes. Although this sounds like a good idea it is not. ââ¬Å"Science does not know the ââ¬Ëtotal range of consequences of a given gene alteration, potentially creating unexpected physiological alterations that would extend down through generations to comeâ⬠(Coons Pg. 2). This in total is stating that scientists donââ¬â¢t know the complete consequences of modifying genes in any organism. This is a studied and very recently tested idea that has unpredictable outcomes and is very frowned upon. Human genetic engineering exists to further improve evolution in mankind and to also prevent future and current diseases. Although this could be used for very wrong and naà ¯ve reasons. Transhumanists are people who have developed a belief of Transhumanism in which they believe in three key ideas. TheShow MoreRelatedGenetic Engineering: Brave New World1012 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetic engineering has been around for many years and is widely used all over the planet. Many people donââ¬â¢t realize that genetic engineering is part of their daily lives and diet. Today, almost 70 percent of processed foods from a grocery store were genetically engineered. Genetic engineering can be in plants, foods, animals, and even humans. Although debates about genetic engineering still exist, many people have accepted due to the health benefits of gene therapy. The lack of knowledge has alwaysRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms And The Environment1284 Words à |à 6 Pagesabout genetically modified organisms and think that they are god sent other countries are weary of them and think that they are dangerous. While many other countries label genetically modified organisms b ecause they think that people should have a choice whether or not they want to consume them America believes that their people should not have to know therefore taking the people s choice away and making the decision for them. There have been studies that have shown that genetically modified organismsRead MoreBenefits Of Genetically Engineered Food1240 Words à |à 5 Pagesof plant and animal genetic codes for the ultimate purpose of increasing food abundance is an increasingly popular, yet controversial practice in the 21st century. Genetic engineering of food is done for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is increasing food supplies in the world, especially for the third world countries. However, there are arguments and even activist movements against genetic engineering of food, which begs the question ââ¬Å"why is genetically engineered food so controversial?â⬠Read MorePlants Consume a Gene from a Different Organism in Genetic Modification1201 Words à |à 5 Page sGenetically modified plants are plants that consume a gene from a different organism which has been inserted into the target plant. Genetically modifying plants changes the characteristics of the plant such as; adding more flavour; evolving in size and addition in nutritional values. The technologies used to process genetically modified crops are called; genetic engineering, biotechnology, gene technology and modern technology. Genetically modifying crops aims to change the fundamentals of agricultureRead MoreGenetic Engineering Of Food Is Good For The Welfare Of Humanity1135 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetic engineering of food is one of the most controversial issues facing the universe today. Genetic engineering or modification of food is the artificial modification of the genetic constituents of plants and animals that produce food (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015b). Genetic engineering per se is often conducted in the laboratory through a number of technologies whose primary r ole is to incorporate the desired qualities into the genetically engineered food crops and animals. Even thoughRead MoreEssay about Should Genetic Engineering Be Controlled by Law?992 Words à |à 4 PagesShould Genetic Engineering Be Controlled by Law? ââ¬Å"Just as the success of a corporate body in making money need not set the human condition ahead, neither does every scientific advance automatically make our lives more meaningfulâ⬠( Professor George Wald, Noble Prize winning biologist, The Dangers of Genetic Engineeering 1976, p.45) . Genetic engineering is the direct manipulation of an organismââ¬â¢s genes. It uses the techniques of molecular cloning and transformation to alter theRead MoreEnvironmental And Consumer Organizations Protest Against Genetic Engineering1495 Words à |à 6 Pages1990s, when genetically modified organisms became available, its consumption has been increasing rapidly (Nelson, 2001). The most common genetically modified crops include corn, sugar, cotton, dairy, rice, potatoes and tomatoes. There are opponents and supporters of GMO alike. Environmental and consumer organizations protest against genetic engineering claiming that the GMO foods bring risks to human health. On the supporting side, it is believed that the use of genetically modified crops providesRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )1665 Words à |à 7 PagesA genetically modified organism (GMO) is a chemical organism processed in a laboratory where genes from the DNA of the crops are extracted and then artificially forced into an unrelated product that, when put into the crops the farmers raise, can chemically change the makeup of the crop. The chemical makeup can be from the change in the skin color of the crop to the actual organic chemistry compound. Genetic engineering is the process of splicing the genes in the crop and taking out a certain chemicalRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods Are Dangerous1473 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe genetic makeup of our cropsâ⬠(Ronald 17). Hearing this fact makes people generally think twice about the widely criticized topic of genetically modified foods. Many people have a bad first impression of genetically modified foods because they have the notion that genetically modified crops are not the way nature made them, so they cannot be safe. The biggest group of naysayers is politicians and big name brand companies, such as Whole Foods. Typically, name brands require labelling food productsRead MoreHow Genetic Engineering Should Not Be Researched For Ethical Reasons1452 Words à |à 6 PagesCell Anemia, a genetic disorder that affects the shape of red blood cells. Without treatment, Jim would have a high chance of dying. However, Jim was given a second chance to achieve normality like his mother always wanted with the help of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering, ââ¬Å"the process of manually adding new DNA to an organismâ⬠(Lincoln 1),can be used to treat genetic disorders such as sickle cell Anemia, but there is a large percentage of people that say genetic engineering should not be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Managing Conflict in Relationships Essay - 2473 Words
Managing and Resolving Conflicts in a relationship Sonia Pabon Kaplan Institute Interpersonal Communication Mr. Muliken November 26, 2012 The topic that I have chosen to discuss throughout this paper is Managing and Resolving Conflicts in a Relationship. This topic is very important to me simply because, I personally see a lot of relationships failing, including some of mines due to lack of resolving and managing conflicts correctly. By the end of this paper I hope that I have helped the reader understand and eliminate any conflicts that confront their everyday lives. Many relationships and about fifty-five percent of marriages end because of unresolved conflicts. Most of the time these relationships fail because people forgetâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Conflict need not be catastrophic or personal conflicts are simply part of being human. Deal with issues as they arise, avoiding conflict makes situations worse. Time does not resolve matters instead it decreases the chance of a positive outcome. Attempt to understand the other persons point of view because dismissing the others views, assigning blame, and exclusive focus on your own perspective are all counterproductive. Do not judge emotions, no ones feelings are more or less ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠than the other. Emotions reflect a valid perspective of an individual even if you dont understand it; acknowledge the other persons reaction as important. Focus on the behavior, situation or problem area without attacking the person involved. Do not assume your values or beliefs are ââ¬Å"rightâ⬠, they reflect a view of the world from your unique perspective. Respecting anothers viewpoint as equally valuable opens an opportunity for learning and growth (Lifetips moving up in life, 2000). Handling conflict is a skill which can be learned. It requires practice, discipline and self-control. In the midst of conflict, most people forget the overall goal in addressing the conflict: Having your partner understand your feelings and resolving the disagreement. The more a couple can keep this goal in mind the less likely either will engage in criticism, yelling or name-calling. These behaviors only fuel the conflict (Managing Conflict in Your Relationship,Show MoreRelatedManaging Conflict With Employees With Conflict And Improve Relationships At Work2010 Words à |à 9 PagesManaging conflict with coworkers doesn t have to be difficult. In this article are eight simple rules that should both help you deal with conflict and improve your relationships at work. Rule 1: See conflict as an opportunity Your perception of conflict has a direct impact on how it plays out in your life. If you embrace conflict and see it as an opportunity to better a situation or a relationship, then you ll take on the challenge of seeing the confrontation through, regardless of how difficultRead MoreJan Ken: Managing Conflict in Relationships Essay1691 Words à |à 7 Pagesï » ¿ Jan Ken: Managing Conflict in Relationships Unit 9 Assignment Marie Holloway Kaplan University Author Note: This research is being submitted on March 11, 2014 for Mark Lambertsonââ¬â¢s CM206 Interpersonal Communications course. Q #1: Using the chapters on language and emotions to help frame your answer, suggest two ways that Ken could open this conversation more productively, beyond clearly expressing his emotions and using ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠language. Ken could have usedRead MoreThe Strategies For Managing Interpersonal Conflicts, And How Emotions And Nonverbal Communication Can Affect A Relationship1705 Words à |à 7 Pagesyour situation being that I just finished taking a course on interpersonal communication. Communication is very important in any type of relationship. Marriage is built on having effective communication with your partner. This letter will explain the strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts, and how emotions and nonverbal communication can affect a relationship. I am excited to share with you some of the things I have learned. Principles of Effective InterpersonalRead MoreEssay on Conflict and Communication 1267 Words à |à 6 PagesConflict and Communication Conflict can happen anytime of your life, it will happen matter you want it or not. In addition, it can have both negative and positive impacts for our relationship (Gudykunst, 2004). According to Yi-Feng 2007, she mentions that conflict is ââ¬Å"incompatible activities, where one personââ¬â¢s actions are interfering, obstructing, or in other ways making the behavior of another less effectiveâ⬠. In term of nature of conflict, conflict is a cause which happens by threatened humanRead MoreConflict Management : The Styles And Outcomes Of Managing Conflict1541 Words à |à 7 PagesConflict Management: The Styles and Outcomes of Managing Conflict in Modern Society Corbin Metz University of Oklahoma Communication is an obligatory aspect for the existence of human life. In our society today, conflict is managed through various styles, some leading to more positive outcomes than others. Although many people attempt to not confront conflict and rather avoid the issue, which may cause it to worsen, it is an aspect that every person willRead MoreChallenges in Interpersonal Relationships976 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿ Challenges in Interpersonal Relationship Class 101 Laura Lyles COM 200 Interpersonal Communication Kenneth Newton April 8, 2013 Challenges In Interpersonal Relationship Class 101 Dear Jace and Kelli, I am thrilled to know that you are taking this class in Interpersonal Relationship. This class is to strengthen and empower you two as a couple as you embark on your new transition of becoming a married couple. Many areas will be covered in this class.Read MoreInterpersonal Communication Theories And Concepts1686 Words à |à 7 Pagesdeal with many different aspect of communication like mindfulness, subjective self- awareness, openness, and social learning theory. The next theory will be Conflict Management Skills which deals with interpersonal conflict, interdependent, conflict trigger, constructive, and destructive conflict. The finally theory will be Managing Relationship Challenges which deals with active verbal responses, emotional or affective jealousy, repair and rejuvenation, fading away, and grave-dressing phase. FurthermoreRead More Human Resource Management Essay example1709 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Employment relationship is the only reason public and private limited organisations work effectively. The Employment relationship is a fragile tie between an employer ââ¬Å"managementâ⬠and employee ââ¬Å"workerâ⬠. This relationship can be affected by 3 factors which are interests, control and motivation. Employers have to balance these factors in order to maintain a productive working relationship. Employment relationship works like any other relationship, commitment is required from both sides. InRead MoreConflict Resolution Strategies Essay1444 Words à |à 6 PagesConflict Resolution Strategies Conflict has long been viewed as negative, and is usually associated with things as trivial as an argument to something as extreme as war, and is seldom seen as beneficial. In the team environment however, conflict can be very beneficial if recognized early and managed properly and can enhance team performance as well as relationships between team members. Conflict is inevitable as humans interact, because not everyone shares the same beliefs, values, opinions, levelRead MoreCompanies Must Mentor Relationships and Manage Conflicts Essay1172 Words à |à 5 PagesManaging conflict and how it will undoubtingly affect the long-term success of your career. Understanding the five areas of the mentoring relationship becomes vital for all employees when effectively managing conflict. The next competency of leveraging diversity is just as important as being able to manage conflict. In leveraging diversity one must ââ¬Å"foster an inclusive workplace where diversity and individual differences are valued and leveraged to achieve the vision and mission of the organizationââ¬
Theoretical Perspectives on the Family Free Essays
Theoretical Perspectives on the Family â⬠¢Way of viewing reality â⬠¢Identify why family patterns and practices are the way they are 1)Family Ecology â⬠¢How family is influenced by the society around it â⬠¢Family choices/lives affected by economy, education, religion and other cultural institutions â⬠¢Ex: Great Depression ââ¬â economically, people canââ¬â¢t afford children even if they wanted more kids 2)Family Development â⬠¢How family changes over time â⬠¢Family Life Cycle: Addition/subtraction of members (death in a family, moving out) oVarious stages children go through (children start school, go to high school, then college, then marriage) oChanges in family connections with other social institutions (retirement, or getting fired) â⬠¢Developmental Tasks must be mastered in order to transition to the next â⬠¢Role Sequencing ââ¬â major transitions to adulthood â⬠¢Normative Order Hypothesis ââ¬â work-marriage-parenthood sequence is vest for mental health and happiness )Structure Functional Theory â⬠¢Functions performed by the family as a social institution 1)Raise child responsibly 2)Economical support 3)Emotional support â⬠¢Roles patterned by beliefs, values, attitudes, norms ââ¬â serve as essential social functions that enables society to survive 4) Interactionist Perspective â⬠¢Interactions within family members â⬠¢Do they communicate effectively? â⬠¢If they donââ¬â¢t = doesnââ¬â¢t allow for unique qualities to develop â⬠¢MAJOR CONCEPTS: oSelf-concept ââ¬â feelings people have about themselves Concepts of identity ââ¬â sense of uniqueness , ââ¬Å"the self is developed initially in a family settingâ⬠oRole taking ââ¬â expected behavior for each family member (associated with a social position) ââ¬â Children learn appropriate behavior roles that they may play in adulthood through watching their parents, siblings assume that role ââ¬â INTERNALIZED AND INCORPORATED TO SELF 5) Exchange Theory â⬠¢Exchange of resources that affect formation, continuation, nature of a relationship â⬠¢Rewards vs. Cost ââ¬â shapes power and influence in the family and commitment to the relationship â⬠¢Should exchange resources outside the group. If not, develops materialism (dependence) instead of independence â⬠¢Relationships based on exchanges that are equal or equitable (fair, if not equal) thrive â⬠¢Whereas, those in w/c the exchange balance feels consistently one sided are more likely to be unhappy â⬠¢Principle of Least Interest ââ¬â partner w/ less commitment to the relationship is the one who has more power including the power to exploit the other â⬠¢Person who maintain dominance ââ¬â people who are willing to break-up/refuse to be the first to make up ) Family Systems â⬠¢Use family as a whole more than the sum of its parts (members) â⬠¢Ã¢â¬Å"Everybody knows what they need to do to make this workâ⬠ââ¬â weakness: no room for change â⬠¢A family functions regularly in a certain way; emotional expression and behavior of family tend to p ersist 7) Conflict and Feminist Perspective â⬠¢Central Issue ââ¬â feminist ââ¬â gender issues specific to women â⬠¢Because woman brings attention w/ woman duties - it conflicts - ââ¬Å"Doesnââ¬â¢t mean because Iââ¬â¢m a woman, I should be the one cooking. We will write a custom essay sample on Theoretical Perspectives on the Family or any similar topic only for you Order Now â⬠¢Woman dispels tradition ââ¬â conflict happens w/in the family â⬠¢And/or woman is not getting to do traditional duties and causes conflict (Traditional homemaker wife now is going to work) 8) Biosocial Perspective (Charles Darwin) â⬠¢Depending how youââ¬â¢re raised is how you survive â⬠¢Individual Gene ââ¬â determines if family is successful â⬠¢Ã¢â¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re just like your father. â⬠How to cite Theoretical Perspectives on the Family, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Green Light Essay Sample free essay sample
The green visible radiation at the terminal of Daisyââ¬â¢s dock is a important symbol within the book. To Gatsby. the green visible radiation represents his dream. which is Daisy. To achieve her would be finishing Gatsbyââ¬â¢s American Dream. The first clip the green visible radiation is seen in the novel is besides the first clip Nick sees Gatsby. Fitzgerald writes. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦he stretched out his weaponries toward the dark H2O in a funny manner. and. far as I was from him. I could hold sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced offshore ââ¬â and distinguished nil except a individual green visible radiation. minute and far awayâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The green visible radiation is described as ââ¬Ëminute and far awayââ¬â¢ which makes it look impossible to make. This will turn out to be true for Gatsby. The green visible radiation besides represents societyââ¬â¢s desire and the looking impossibleness of accomplishing the mercenary American Dream. We will write a custom essay sample on The Green Light Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Further into the novel. it is revealed that Gatsby desire for Daisy is besides his desire for the yesteryear. Five old ages ago. when Gatsby foremost meets Daisy and they fall in love. Daisy was the representation of position and wealth. She was desired all the immature work forces and for Gatsby to achieve meant that he was the most worthy. In Norman Holmes Pearsonââ¬â¢s critical essay Reading a Novelââ¬âThe Great Gatsby he describes what Daisy means to Gatsby. ââ¬Å"She seemed to be the representation of what he yearned for: the Platonic kernel. the noumenal as he saw it through the phenomenal metaphor. She shone before him like Ag. and he rode toward her as a knight rides toward his lady. And like America itself. with its Franklininan image of a society in whic there were no absolute barriers and a adult male could go what he wished to go. Daisy gave him the green visible radiation to travel agead. Merely it took money to purchase the auto to fall in the traffic. â⬠H ere. Pearson likens Daisy to a tropy as ââ¬Å"a knight drives toward his lady. She is meant to be the item of his success. He reinforces the thought that green visible radiation represents Daisy which is his dream. He uses the metaphor of traffic visible radiations. where if he wishes to drive toward the green visible radiation. first Gatsby will necessitate the money to purchase a auto. Which is finally what he does. He amasses this wealth to utilize in his pursuit of Daisy. However now when he desires Daisy. he besides desires the yesteryear that he shared with Daisy. At the terminal of the fresh Nick concludes the book with these words. ââ¬Å"Gatsby believed in the green visible radiation. the orgastic hereafter that twelvemonth by twelvemonth recedes before us. It eluded us so. but thatââ¬â¢s no matterââ¬âtomorrow we will run faster. stretch out our weaponries farther. And so one mulct morningââ¬â So we beat on. boats against the current. borne back endlessly into the past. â⬠This describes Gatsbyââ¬â¢s inability to travel on from the past. Everything he does in the novel is to s eek and animate the yesteryear. In this metaphor. Gatsby tries to goes against the currentsââ¬âor timeââ¬âto reach the green visible radiation or his dream. And as in the quotation mark. the green visible radiation which represents his dream. ââ¬Ërecedesââ¬â¢ like moving ridges twelvemonth by twelvemonth.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way - CoSchedule Blog
How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way Blog Facebook is doubling down on video. In fact, 32 billionà viewsà per day on Facebook.à Thatââ¬â¢s a mind-blowing statistic, right? The implications for content marketers and social media managers is clear. We need to be investing in video content. But, if youre not a professional videographer, then how do you get started? Thatââ¬â¢s what weââ¬â¢ll cover in this post. Why Should You Care About Facebook Video? The amount of video watched on Facebook is hard to ignore. That isnââ¬â¢t the only reason why video is important on Facebook, though. Thereââ¬â¢s also the issue of declining organic reach on the platform. The newsfeed algorithm now makes it harder to earn high organic reach. If video content is particularly popular, however, then there may be an opportunity for content creators to capitalize. If you werenââ¬â¢t feeling the urgency to get started before, you should be now.How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right WayStill not convinced? Here are some more fast facts about Facebook video: Get More Mileage Out Of Your Videos With Features From Video content takes effort to create. So, why not make the most of your hard work? With 's robust social sharing features, getting maximum mileage from your video posts is easy. Social Video allows you to upload your videos straight to your calendar and publish them all in one spot: After you've created your post, schedule it to send at the best time automatically withà Best Time Scheduling: Finally, stop manually re-scheduling your videos and let ReQueue take care of it for you: Best of all, you can try all this stuff out free for 14 days! Start your trial below (and put the advice in this post into practice). Facebook Video Marketing Mechanics And Best Practices Before we run full steam ahead, letââ¬â¢s get our footing first. Which Video File Types Are Supported? Facebook recommends .MP4 and .MOV files. However, those arenââ¬â¢t your only options. Find every supported format here or use this cheat sheet: Is Native Facebook Video Better Than Posting YouTube Links? Facebook prefers video directly uploaded onto its platform. This may be because it sees itself in competition with YouTube. Directly uploading your video makes it easier for its algorithm to put your video in front of an interested audience. This means your video uploaded directly might get more views, shares, and comments. In fact, a study doneà by quintlyà found that native Facebook videos received 186% higher interaction rates than YouTube videos as of December 2016. On #Facebook, native video appears to outperform YouTube links.However, native Facebook video tends to have a shorter shelf life. According to Videomaker, However, by the same token, Facebook posts have a shorter lifespan. In the stream-like flow of the news feed, once a video stops getting likes and shares it quickly sinks to the bottom, rarely to be heard from again. Itââ¬â¢s hard to search for old Facebook videos and linking to them directly is problematic. These are huge hurdles. There may be times where either Facebook or YouTube may be best for your video. Figure out which one is best in your case by asking a few questions: Will people care about this video a month from now? If not, the advantage goes to Facebook. Is this video evergreen (meaning it has long-term appeal)? If so, the advantage goes to YouTube. Is this video more than a couple minutes long? This could go either way, but you many want to default to YouTube in this case, for reasons weââ¬â¢ll touch on next. TIP: Remember, you can always upload videos to both Facebook and YouTube, too. What Are Facebook's Video Length Requirements? The maximum length for video on Facebook is 45 minutes. However,à according to Tubular Insights, the best length for engagement is around 1:30. Facebook recommends focusing on storytelling, rather than video length. According to Facebook Business, Video length is less important than telling a cohesive and concise story. Your video ad shouldnââ¬â¢t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling arc from the first frame to the last that keeps your audience interested along the way. So, how long should your video be? The answer varies, but here are some general suggestions: In general, keep your videos short and to the point. If you have a longer video, consider breaking it up into short, easily digestible episodes. Pay attention to your Facebook video analytics (more on this later on). See what works best. Then, repeat. Facebook videos under two minutes perform best.What Kinds Of Videos Should I Shoot? There are all kinds of different video categories you could create. How do you know which types of videos your audience will like best? The answer will depend on your audience. Here are some ideas to get you thinking: How-to videos. Consider creating quick videos demonstrating how to perform a task. Entertaining videos. These could include videos based on memes, animals doing something goofy, or whatever your imagination can dream up. Behind-the-scenes videos. Whatââ¬â¢s it like to work at your company? Could you offer a behind-the-scenes look at how you created something (like a cool piece of content or an event)? Product demonstrations. Show off how your product or service works. Customer testimonials.à Anyone can talk themselves up. Someone else singing your praises is better. Live video. Live video is Facebook's latest video content type that allows users to broadcast video updates straight to your profile page. Your only limit is your creativity. When it comes to Facebook video, you're limited only by your creativity.What Equipment Do I Need? This depends on your budget. Facebook recommends investing in quality production. If you can afford it, itââ¬â¢s best not to go cheap. A great video idea, combined with polish and effort, can generate incredible results. What if you donââ¬â¢t have access to a production team, though? Youââ¬â¢re not out of luck. Select Your Camera Type If youââ¬â¢re shooting video on your own, your first step is gathering equipment. Smartphone. Most smartphones can shoot hi-res video. They may not produce professional-quality results. However, this option can work well enough in a pinch. This guide from MakeUseOf has tons of information on shooting quality smartphone video. Digital SLR. Many professional-quality still cameras can shoot awesome video too. Expect to spend at least $500 for a decent entry-level digital SLR. Handicam. If youââ¬â¢re able to spend a few hundred dollars, an amateur digital camcorder may be enough to get started with. Professional video camera. If you have an in-house videographer, they will probably ask (nay, demand) you invest in professional equipment. Donââ¬â¢t argue with them. Just give them what they need. Getting gear to do #Facebook #video #marketing doesn't have to be expensive.Select Your Mic Audio quality shouldnââ¬â¢t be overlooked here. Smartphone microphone. Smartphone condenser mics can improve your audio quality for not too much money. There appear to be more options available for iOS, which may be something to keep in mind if youââ¬â¢re an Android user. Camera microphone. Like most things, you get what you pay for here. Start at $50 and go up from there. Select Your Tripod A tripod can make a major difference in keeping video stable. Smartphone tripod. A small smartphone tripod can go a long way toward shooting better video. Alternately, consider using a smartphone adapter for a full-size tripod. Monopod. These one-legged tripod alternatives are affordable and lightweight. Actual tripod. The most expensive option. Not coincidentally, this is also the best option. TIP: Don't underestimate the value of a quality tripod. It can make an enormous difference between having a stable shot, or a rocky video.] How Should I Shoot My Video? Never shot video before? No problem! You donââ¬â¢t need to be the next Spielberg to shoot decent videos (although it does help to have experience). Shoot Mobile Video Vertically This goes against old-school best practice of shooting in landscape view. However, vertical videos look better on mobile devices. When shooting video on your phone, go vertical. This will produce the best results for people on their phones. Shoot mobile video vertically, rather than horizontally, for easier mobile viewing.Remember The Rule Of Thirds The idea behind the Rule Of Thirdsà is to split your frame into thirds along a 9x9 grid. This helps produce balanced shots that look visually appealing. Fit Your Subject In The Frame This is pretty basic. Show people above the waist. Donââ¬â¢t cut off heads or arms in the frame. Make sure people can see whatââ¬â¢s happening clearly. Here's a quick example I just shot on my phone: The subject is positioned off-center (following the Rule of Thirds), with everything in the frame, and nothing cut out of the shot. Make The First Few Seconds Attention-Grabbing People scrolling through their news feed have short attention spans. Make your first few seconds count. According to Facebook, you've got about three seconds to hook your viewer into your video. Even then, only 65% will continue into the next ten seconds.à In other words, leave out dramatic build-ups or introductions, and get right to the point. Creating #Facebook video? Skip dramatic build-ups and get right to the point.How Should I Promote My Facebook Videos? Youââ¬â¢ve shot your video. Now, how do you get people to watch it? Start with these tips. Write Strong Post Copy Include videos in your posts, and write copy that entices views. Here are a few ways to do this: Write a post that asks a question, while implying the video has the answer. This can get people interested in watching the video. Hype up your video. Get people excited to watch. Write in a way that inspires curiosity. If you want to make sure that you're nailing your messages and encouraging fans to watch your video, try our Social Message Optimizer. To start, type in a draft of your post, hit the video button, and selectà Score My Message: Select Facebook and scroll down for an overview of what your message does well, and what could use some improvement: As you continue down the page, you'll see suggestions on how you can improve your message and boost your score: Scroll back up to the top of your page to edit and re-score your message: Recommended Reading: How to Write For Social Media to Create the Best Posts Embed Video From Facebook Elsewhere Did you know you can embed Facebook videos on web pages? It works similar to embedding video from YouTube. That means you can easily embed your Facebook videos in blog posts or static web pages. Simply click the arrow in the upper right corner of any video. Then, click Embed: Next, youââ¬â¢ll see an embed code: If youââ¬â¢d like to include the entire post (and not just the video), click the box. It's worth noting this method will embed your video in an iframe. These can potentially break RSS feeds. If you'd like to avoid this potential issue, click Embed Video. Then, click Advanced Settings to bring up the Embed Video Player Configurator. Next, click Get Code: Finally, follow the on-screen directions to copy and paste the Javascript code into the right places. If you're using WordPress, switch toà Text view and paste the top code at the top of your page: The end result looks like this: Sound FX: Packers vs. ChiefsThe #Packers look pretty amped up for the preseason finale! #GBvsKC Posted by Green Bay Packers on Thursday, September 1, 2016 Done! TIP: Know someone who might be interested in your video? Send them the embed code too. They just might put it somewhere on their own site. Add A Featured Video To Your Facebook Page Have a video you really want people to see? Feature it on your page. Visit your Facebook page. Then, click Videos: Next, click Add Featured Video: Youââ¬â¢ll then be able to choose from any of your uploaded videos: Your video will then display under the About section on your profileââ¬â¢s main page. Hereââ¬â¢s an example of what this looks like: Use Facebook Featured Videos to enhance your brand page.Upload A Video As Your Cover Photo To Make Your Profile Pack A Punch Did you know you can make your cover image a video? Social Fire Mediaà found that cover videos should include: A video that is 820x462 pixels wide. Video should be between 20 to 90 seconds in length. To upload a video as your cover photo go to your Facebook business page: Selectà Change Coverà and Choose From Videosà orà Upload Video: Select the video you want to use as your cover photo: Click confirm, and your video should replace your cover photo. Consider Video Advertising Or Paying For Promotion Paying to promote your video, or turning your video into an ad, can help drive more reach and views. Just be sure to follow Facebookââ¬â¢s design guidelines for video ads. We also recommended reading Wordstreamââ¬â¢s guide on using Facebook adsà too. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One ( How to Build It) How Can I Drive More Traffic From Facebook Video? Facebook recently removed call-to-action links from native videos. However, there are still ways to drive traffic back to your site with your video content. Letââ¬â¢s walk through a couple simple tips. Include Links In Your Post Copy You can still include a link in your post copy accompanying your video. This simple detail is easy to overlook. Tag Other Accounts Mentioned In Your Video If your video references other companies, personalities, or anyone with a Facebook page, consider tagging them. This will help your video get distribution in their fanââ¬â¢s news feeds too. How Can I Measure My Success? Facebook video marketing is a lot of work. Itââ¬â¢s important to know if your efforts are paying off. Data and analytics can show if youââ¬â¢re meeting your goals. They can also inform your strategy, showing whatââ¬â¢s working, and what needs improvement. Fortunately, Facebook offers robust analytics functionality with Facebook Insights. Visit your page, and click Insights: Then click Videos on the left: Here, you can see: Total minutes of video viewed. Number of video views. Change over time. You can also see detailed analytics for individual videos: Select the video that you want to see stats around, and you'll see a full breakdown of all of the analytics for your video: If you're looking for even more social media analysis check out 's Social Engagement Report: How Should I Set Facebook Video Marketing Goals? Follow the SMART goals framework: So, thatââ¬â¢s how you set goals. Now, which metrics should you track? Here are some possible options: Engagement. Are people liking and sharing your videos? Are they leaving comments too? Views. How many people are watching your videos, and for how long? Traffic. Are your videos linking back to your blog or website? If so, how much traffic are they driving? Follower growth. If youââ¬â¢re paying for video ads, are those ads helping you reach a new audience and expanding your Facebook following? Revenue. If youââ¬â¢re running video ads that direct to an ecommerce page or signup form, how much money are you earning from those conversions? TIP: Don't skip measurement. If you want budget to shoot more video, you'll probably need to show your boss why it's worthwhile. Data can do that for you. How Can I Schedule And Publish My Facebook Videos? Great question. recently launched our new social video functionality. Itââ¬â¢s now possible to schedule social media video posts for Facebook within our app. (You can also schedule videos on Twitter too, but thatââ¬â¢s another topic for another time.)
Monday, March 2, 2020
How Many Questions Can You Skip for a Good ACT Score
How Many Questions Can You Skip for a Good ACT Score SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The ACT is a time crunch, and most students have trouble finishing the whole test in the allotted time. So how many questions can you skip for a good score? In this article, I'll let you know how many questions you can skip or answer incorrectly and to get a composite score of 26. I classify a 26 as a good score since it is in the 83rd percentile for all ACT test-takers. However, a good score for youisdependent on what college you hope to attend. Click here for guidance onwhat your target ACT score should be. First, How Is the ACT Scored? Toanswer the questions of how many can you skip for a 26 composite score on the ACT, you must know how the test is scored. In short, the ACT has 4 sections: Math (60 questions), Reading (40 questions), Science (40 questions) and English (75 questions) plus Writing (1 Essay).For further explanation, read How is the ACT Scored? The ACT Essay score is not counted towards your composite score, so I will not be mentioning it in this article. If you want more information on the ACT Essay, read How to Write an ACT Essay: Step by Step Example. On the ACT, you do NOT get points deducted for wrong answers, so it is to your advantage to bubble in any questions you canââ¬â¢t answer.Try to save 30 seconds to a minute at the end of each section to simply pick a letter to bubble in for the questions you skip. Each section is graded separately. First, you get a raw score for each which is simply the number of questions you answered correctly and then that raw score is converted into a scaled score.The raw to scale score conversion changes each test date, but the ACT shared the below table in the Preparing for the ACT guide as an example: After calculating the scale score for the sections, your 4 section scores are added together and divided by 4 (i.e. averaged), and the final number is your composite score.If your score ends up as a decimal, it is rounded, e.g.if it is a 25.4, it is rounded to 25, and if it is 25.5, it is rounded to 26. Having explained that I will now answer the original question: How Many Questions Can You Get Wrong or Skip and Get a Good Score? The answer is a little more complex than one simple number (I will explain this further).The reason the answer is more complex is that the scoring for each section of the test is different, and the scoring for each section varies by test date (as you can see in the chart above and as I will explain further below). Since you are not penalized for wrong answers, incorrect answers and skips will result in the same score.There are a large number of combinations of individual section scores that would result in a 26 composite score. Here are some of the breakdowns: (26+26+26+26) / 4 = 26 (26+26+26+25) / 4 = 25.75 (rounds up to 26) (26+26+25+25) / 4 = 25.5 (rounds up to 26) (26+26+26+24) / 4 = 25.5 (rounds up to 26) NOTE: you cannot get a 23 on any individual section if you want to get a composite score of 26 unless you get a section score of higher than 26. As I said, the scoring of each section varies by test date. So to give you a better idea of the typical number of questions you can get wrong/skip for a 26 in each section, I have analyzed 5 different ACT score charts: Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 English 13-14 14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15 Mathematics 16-17 18-19 16-18 16-17 18-20 Reading 10 12 9 Science 7 7-8 9-10 10 9-10 Total 46-48 51-54 50-54 49-51 52-56 Overall, you can skip/get wrong around 50 questions per ACT test to get a composite score of 26. For English, you can skip/miss 14 questions on average to get a 26. For Math, you can skip/miss 17 questions on average to get a 26. For Reading, you can skip/miss questions on average to get a 26. For Science, you can skip/miss 9 questions on average to get a 26. What Should Your Skipping Strategy Be? Knowing this information and hoping to get a 26 composite score, you should plan to skip up to: about 1 full passagein English (14 out of 15 questions in the last passage) 17 in Math 1 full passage in Reading (10 questions) 1 full passage in Science (5-7 questions)* *For Science, I would recommend skipping the Conflicting Viewpoints passage since it is the longest with 7 questions and, therefore, the most time consuming. Plan your exact skipping strategy based on your strengths and weaknesses. Try to maximize the number you skip in your weakest section. Minimize the number you skip in your strongest section. For example, if you struggle in Reading, plan to skip at least one entire passage. If your strength is Math, try just skipping the last 10 questions. This way you can hopefully maximize your score in Math to balance out your lower score in Reading. You need to be using the skipping strategy during your ACT preparation! Do not just try to implement this strategy the day of the test. This skipping strategy requires practice since you will need to learn a new test pace.If you had been attempting to complete all questions, you were likely going at a much faster pace. You will need to slow it down and give yourself more time per question. Also, you will need to figure out exactly what number of skipped questions will give you your target score. For example, while you can skip about one full passage in English (14 out of 15 questions) and get a 26, you may answer 10 questions incorrectly in the 4 passages you do complete, bringing your score below 26. If this happens, try to skip only half a passage (7 questions) on your next English practice test.Try to skip the maximum allowed during your first practice test then change the amount based on whether your score goes up or down. STRATEGIZE! Plan to spend the entire time allocated except for the last minute on those questions. That way, you get more time per question and do not rush to answer more questions and make more mistakes. If you do have extra time, I would recommend reviewing the answers you were unsure of and NOT attempting any new questions. However, if you felt confident about your answers and have extra time, you should attempt a few more. During the last minute on each section before time is called, simply bubble in A, B, C, D, E F, G, H, J or K for all of the answers you could not get to. (Note: there is no E or K on English, Reading, or Science.) You should choose two corresponding letters, for example, A and F, to bubble in. As I said, there is no penalty for guessing on the ACT.By bubbling the same letter for all of the ones you couldnââ¬â¢t get to, you give yourself a 25% chance in English, Reading and Science (1 out of 4 answer choices) or a 20% in Math (1 out of 5 answer choices) of getting each guessed question correct.If you got all of the questions you attempted correct, you would most likely score higher than a 26 by also bubbling insince you will likely randomly get a few of those ââ¬Å"correct.â⬠Could you theoretically skip more questions? While it would be possible to skip more, bubble in, and get a composite score of 26, I would not risk it. Occasionally, the letter you choose to bubble in may result in 0 extra points if it wasnââ¬â¢t the answer to a single question you guessed on, and then your score would end up lower than 26.Donââ¬â¢t risk it. Stick to the outlined plan. Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Need help preparing for the ACT? Check out guides to the ACT Reading, Math, English, and Science sections.Taking the ACT very soon? Read our guide to cramming for the test. Not sure where you want to go to college? Check out our guide to finding your target school.Also, figure out yourtarget ACT score. Thinking about getting a job while in high school? Check out our guide to the 8 best jobs for teensand learn how to find yours! Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. 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Saturday, February 15, 2020
Human Rescource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Human Rescource Management - Essay Example Rousseau (1989) defines the psychological contract as ââ¬Å"an individualââ¬â¢s beliefs regarding the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between that focal person and another partyâ⬠(p. 123). There are various aspects of the work force like variations in the job, nature of job, challenges of the work and other areas that have been considered as growing areas of interests (Hughes and Palmer, 2007). There has been various human resource management issues related to the contingent work force that provided one of the most appropriate areas of studies for the professionals and researchers. According to Feldman (2006 as cited by Hughes and Palmer, 2007) the Bureau of Labour Statistics (2005) revealed that the contingent workers formed nearly 10% of the workforce in early 2005. George and Kelly-Patternson (2007) covered different importance of psychological contract within various professional groups. The present economy has transformed from the manufacturing to service and service to knowledge based economy. The experience and skills of individuals have become base for economy. The psychological contract is high in the knowledge based industry. Success of the projects depends on the psychological contract. Psychological contract is explained with respect to emotional aspects of loyalty of employees and support from the organisation (Grimmer and Oddy, 2006). There are individual perspectives of employees, perception of the employees and mutual promise among the employer and employees (Rousseau, 1995). Working relationship of the individuals and organisation is covered in psychological contract (Sparrow and Cooper, 1998). Psychological contract is explained with the use of the term ââ¬Å"unwritten expectationsâ⬠(Wellin, 2007). These expectations are ever-changing and continuously operating between the all the members of the organisation. There are transactional psychological contract and relational psychological contract. Transactional
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Global Climate change abstract Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Climate change abstract - Assignment Example includes oil and coal deposits, limestone, and carbon-rich shale while the surface reservoirs include the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and living biomass. The long-term carbon cycle refers to the exchange of carbon between the Earth, oceans, and the atmosphere. It entails the reaction of carbon dioxide with water and rock silicate or carbonate forming magnesium, calcium bicarbonate, and silica, which then dissolve in the ocean. Heat and pressure release the carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. On the other hand, the short-term carbon cycle denotes its exchange between the surface reservoirs, which is rapid. Carbon exchange between the atmosphere and ocean involves photosynthesis, solubility, and carbonate pump. Dissolved carbon dioxide decreases water pH (8.2 to 8.05) decreasing carbonate concentration and hence lessening the stability of aragonite and calcite essential for skeleton and shell formation. Therefore, acidification of water by carbon dioxide affects the reproduction of cal cifying organisms. Acidification of the water also causes increased levels of nutrients, zinc, copper and toxic metals affecting the ecosystem. Earthââ¬â¢s energy balance refers to the balance of solar radiation and the energy that radiates to space that affects the earthââ¬â¢s temperature. The solar constant, which is 1,367 watts per square meter, measures the amount of solar electromagnetic radiation. Received radiation on Earth depends on seasons and distance of the surface from the sun. Albedo is a measure of the total incident light on the surface reflected back to space. It relies on the nature of the surface. Emission of radiation from the matter occurs in the form of IR radiation. Energy transfer to the atmosphere happens in the form of latent and sensible heat. Climate change is subject to forcing factors including greenhouse gasses, aerosols and changes in solar irradiance and land cover. Greenhouse gasses such as methane, nitrous oxide, tropospheric ozone and carbon dioxide
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Greek Theatre :: essays research papers
ââ¬Å"Greek Theatreâ⬠Hello my name is Chris Gerald and I want to tell you about Thespis. The honor of the beginning of theatre should be given to one man. His name is Thespis. With his chorus he would carry his belongings on a cart whose floor and tailboard could form an improvised stage. In traveling from one festival to another eventually he reached Athens, Greece. He was said to be the first to win a prize at the newly established festival in the city of Dionysia. The great innovation that Thespis made was to detach himself from the chorus, and engage in dialogue in the character of god or the hero whose deeds were being celebrated. He was said to be the first actor as well as a manager. Thespis was the first unsanctified person who dared to assume the character of a god. à à à à à The most important feature of their costumes was the mask, said to have been introduced by Thespis. Masks were made of lightwood, cork or linen. These enabled three actors in a tragedy to play several parts each. It also allowed a theatre staffed entirely of men to Impersonate woman since woman were not allowed to be in plays. More than thirty types of masks are said to have existed. Each one showing age, standing, sex, fear, rage, hate, and despair.ââ¬Å"My Greatest Fearâ⬠à à à à à Of all the fears in life, my greatest would definitely have to be the loss of my parents. My parents have had a great influence in my life. Threw thick and thin they have been there right by my side. I would be lost without them. My childhood memories of my mom are always warm. I can remember her tucking me in for bed every night. She always has good advice for me in every situation I am in. If I ever lost her it would be a great chunk out of my life. I wouldnââ¬â¢t have anyone to confide in. My dad is the provider for our house. I can remember one year he worked threw Christmas just to keep his job. That was a very sad point in my life. He always makes sacrifices for our family. He helps me the most when my mom and me are having trouble.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Pure Cultures Lab Essay
Introduction : Pure cultures are made of only one type of organisms and can be used to study their properties. A method used to isolate pure cultures is making a steak-plate, which is a dilution process in which culture is spread over an agar plate in a certain manner. Using a loop rod, culture was taken from the tube and dragged across area 1 several time,of the agar. The agar was then turned 90Ã º, and the loop was flamed and cooled. Taking some culture from area 1, it was dragged over area two,and the same steps were done for areas 3 and 4.Another technique used was spread-plate, where the same culture is spread over the agar plate using a sterile L-shaped bent glass rod. The rod was dipped in 95% ethyl alcohol and flamed to sterlize. The nutrient agar was then placed on the plate, and spread with rod. An environmental plate was used to test the cultures of a random object, in our experiment, it was the ocular lens of a microscope. A cotton swab was dipped into sterile water, and a random item of our choice was swabbed. After mixing the swab back in the water, the contaminated water was applied to a spread plate. Results: See attached Discussion: All the plates were successful is isolating the pure cultures except the environmental. The reason for this may have been that there was no bacteria, due to the fact they had been recently cleaned. The slant agars were able to pick up on the bacteria to show the growth. The vial that had bright yellow bacteria growing was M.leuteus, showing the successful isolation and identification. Other vials that had M.Letues and S.marcescenes had a very slight shade of bacteria growth. Questions: 1. No because a when a broth culture is used, it has not been inoculated from a pure culture, the only way would be to use a streaking method or spread plate. A mix culture slant is hard to isolate, because bacteria is clumped together, getting a single colony is difficult. These may cause contamination to the bacteria during the inoculation period. 2. If there was more culture in quadrant 4 than 3, it is due to the loop being dragged back into quadrant 1. The nutrient agar that was in 1 came back to 4, and showed more culture.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Civil Rights Movement Essay - 1634 Words
America, ââ¬Å"the home of the brave and the land of the free.â⬠The statement ââ¬Å"land of the freeâ⬠hasnââ¬â¢t always been the case for African-Americans. But fortunately, America is ââ¬Å"the home of the braveâ⬠and through trials and tribulations they were able to achieve equality. Dating back to 1619 the first African-Americans were sold into slavery at Jamestown. Being a slave meant you were a human being owned by another and as slaves they were deprived of most of their rights as an American and were treated as a peace of property. Many more African-Americans were brought to America to supply the demand of force labor needed in the south to produce agriculture. Slavery of the African-Americans wasnââ¬â¢t abolished until the end of the Civil War which endedâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Both men aimed for the same goal and yet they used opposite approaches in gaining their goal of justice and freedom for their race. Martin Luther King Jr. was raised in a family were he learned the importance of peace and religion. He believed African-Americans would have to obtain their rights without the use of violence. In contrast, Malcolm X was brought up in a society where hate and violence towards African-Americans would destroy his family. Malcolmââ¬â¢s approach towards ending segregation was that violence was the only way. They were both powerful man who had different views on how to end segregation and obtain equal rights. With the power of their speeches and demonstrations they were able unite African-Americans to gain the rights they deserved as Americans. They were able to focus their raceââ¬â¢s attention to a single goal that they had been fighting for since they first arrived in America, equal rights and the end of segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. His parents were Martin Luther King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. His father was the pastor the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atla nta. He grew up in a structured family and felt the effects of racism daily but never had to face the violence of racism growing up. He began his education in the segregated schools of Atlanta where he excelled as a student. At the age of fifteen he graduatedShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of The Civil Rights Movement1179 Words à |à 5 Pagessegregations. Out of the numerous elements that arose in the 1960s, there are three movements that truly affected the American society. Firstly, the rise of the civil rights movement was greatly influenced by racial discrimination of colored people in the South. Secondly, the womenââ¬â¢s movement aimed to convince the society that women are capable of achieving and maintaining higher waged job like males. Lastly, the gay rights movement aimed to gain acceptance and stop discrimination of homosexuality. 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Even though at the time they were considered free, they were often criticized and discriminated against. Finally, shootings, brutality, and unfair treatment were enough. In an effort to end racial segregation and discrimination against African-Americans all over the country, they took a stand. This was known as the Civil Rights Movement. There were many interesting events that cause d this movement. The three main causes thatRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Essay1601 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Civil Rights Movement ââ¬Å"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.â⬠This was a speech by Martin Luther King Jr. Even one hundred years after slavery was banned, African Americans were still being treated unfairly. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most famous leaders of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960ââ¬â¢s. The Civil Rights movement was a movement of AfricanRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Essay1259 Words à |à 6 Pages The civil right movement refers to the reform movement in the United States beginning in the 1954 to 1968 led primarily by Blacks for outlawing racial discrimination against African-Americans to prove the civil rights of personal Black citizen. For ten decades after the Emancipation Proclamation, African-Americans in Southern states still live a rigid unequal world of deprive right of citizenship, segregation and various forms of oppression, including race-inspired violence. ââ¬Å"JimRead MoreThe Civil Rights Movement Essay1190 Words à |à 5 Pages The Civil Rights Movement The 13th amendment, passed on the first of January, 1865 abolished slavery throughout America. Although African Americans were considered free after this amendment was approved, they still had a long and arduous struggle to absolute freedom. 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